Portable Traffic Lights or PTLs are an integral traffic management solution. A simple option for almost any application, they are particularly suited for use at roadworks and for event traffic control.
Mobile traffic lights for hire at Barriers Plus are world-class equipment approved for use on Victoria’s Roads and built to exacting Australian Standard AS 4191:2015 for Portable Traffic Signal Systems. With several sizes and options from which to choose, they utilise ultra-bright solar-powered LED technology and are trailer-mounted for mobility and convenience. The equipment is controllable via an onboard control panel, optional radiofrequency or Bluetooth remote technology, or a live programming platform. The PTL may also be fitted with a vehicle detector to automatically operate the traffic light on demand as a vehicle approaches it.
There is no better way to keep motorists safe while deploying your traffic management workforce elsewhere, removing the requirement for human stop/slow hand baton or “lollipop” road maintenance workers where suitable.